Art & Fiction project
The Great-Granddaughter
As Bisnetas

By Marcos Cavallaria & Luma Grothe
Executive Production: Cavallaria
Co-Productin: Iconoclast, Mangaba & RED Hollywood Studios 
Premiere Launch: 75th Cannes Festivals 2022




A film that reflects the feminine and its archetypes in the social counter culture.

The concept is to create a contemporary atmosphere of the witches culture, analyzing how scared our society is of the empowerment and freedom of women, using the day and night to bring this duality of the world and the personality of the characters, good and bad, playful and deep.

A mixology that only women can hold.

You have to jump into your own abyss, if you believe in yourself.


In the history Men feared the power of women - who were thinkers, who attract and seduced, who inherited a intelligence and independence beyond their capability, testing their faith.
So they burned them.
They taught children to fear these women, but not the men who burned them.  
Witches.. or feminists.. they still fear them.


A Witch in 1300, LUMA, is being burned, among the greatest pain of the fire, a song starts to take away the pain washing her over with love, it transposes itself to other time and dimensions where the archetypes of feminism are represented by MAJUR the empowerment of women, a goddesses who embodies the strength of the divine feminine.

MAJUR bring LUMA by the time and dimension to met her 22º great granddaughter - BRUNA. 

They both, BRUNA & MAJUR guide her between dimensions of dream and reality.
Imaginatively all the great struggles of the feminine for their freedom and equality are portrayed, until the strongest conscience and potency that the fire no longer reaches her and she returns to the past moment of being burned, lights a cigarette and leaves the fire naked and intact.

Casting Brazil

MAJUR - The Female Entities Power
A divindade feminina, na forma humana, dando a luz aos novos tempos, atraves da Arte e da Lucidez, empodera cada ser que habita o divino feminino.

BRUNA LINZMEYER - The Great-Granddaughter - A Neta do Bruxa, queimada, Luma

A energia jovem, a Bisneta que carrega na alma e no sangue a luta pela igualidade e quebra de paradigmas da sociedade. Porem precisa de cuidados e direcionamento, para aguentar a dor que essa missão carrega.

LUMA GORTHE - The Great-Grandmother “Burning” - Avó de Bruna, a Bruxa de 1300
A Bruxa queimada em 1300/1400 que viaja pelo tempo espaço vivenciando que o sofrimento e luta dela não foi em vão ao chegar nos tempos atuais, mas ainda há muita luta para se conquistar a liberdade real e os direitos equalitários.

A Bruxa que assiste sua amiga queimar, foge para salvar sua vida e longevidade das mulheres.

ZEZÉ MOTTA - A guardiã de 2020  - TBC - À confirmar
A guardiã que cuida das mais jovens, faz o parto da Majur dando a Luz à Luma e cuida da Bruna. Direciona a energia jovem com a sabedoria do tempo.

Style Ref in Vidigal Brazil Scenes

Style Ref of Burning Scenes

Mood and Frame Board Storboard of France Shots

Styling Mood in France

by Fanélie Patras

Frames of scenes shot in France

— Representation  — 

#Art #Live Exhibition —
Cavallaria’s Atelier

#Fashion —
Cavallaria’s Atelier

#Advertising —

Iconoclast Brasil

#Brand Experience  —

Art Bridge